Doing Critical GIS

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Mahmoudi, Dillon, and Taylor Shelton. 2022. “Doing Critical GIS.” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 21 (4): 327–336. ACME open access


In 2019, Taylor Shelton and I organized a series of events at Red Emma’s Bookstore and Cafe. This paper is the attempts to bring together many of the themes we saw in the presentations. We focus on “what” we map and “how” we map. For example, how might we think about absences and presences on a map? Why is it that, for example, poverty are present in some places and absent in others⁠—and what is the relationship of those two (this is one of the core questions of the Relational Poverty Network)? And what is the process of critical mapping? Towards what end?

Doing Critical GIS Workshop and Conference

The full schedule and itinerary is available from the 2019 workshop and conference. UMBC hosts the workshop and conference website.

ACME Vol 21 No 4 Doing Critical GIS

ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies hosts the special issue. Major appreciation to the incredible ACME collective for working with us and the authors during COVID to get these papers out.

Doing Critical GIS
Dillon Mahmoudi, Taylor Shelton

What Can GIS Do?
Nick Lally

Situated Mapping Visualizing Spatial Inequality between the God Trick and Strategic Positivism
Taylor Shelton

Digital Cartographies of Displacement Data as Property and Property as Data
Erin McElroy

Mapping for Whom? Communities of Color and the Citizen Science Gap
Dillon Mahmoudi, Chris L. Hawn, Erica H. Henry, Deja J. Perkins , Caren B. Cooper, Sacoby M. Wilson

Mapping Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls Beyond Colonizing Data and Mapping Practices
Annita Hetoevehotohke’e Lucchesi

Pressing Pause, “Doing” Feminist Mapping
Meghan Kelly, Amber Bosse

Toward Queering the Map 2.0 A Conversation with Michael Brown, Larry Knopp, and Bo Zhao
Jack Swab, Jack Jen Gieseking

Toward a Fourth Generation Critical GIS Extraordinary Politics
Sarah Elwood