Online First
Interrogating Narratives of Urban Change: Disinvestment and Development in Two Neighborhoods in Baltimore, MD. Urban Geography. With Dena Aufseeser. doi:10.1080/02723638.2024.2376907.
Digital equity in a crowded tool space: Navigating opportunities and challenges for equitable implementation of conservation technologies. Conservation Science and Practice 7 (1): e13279. With Karyn M. Tabor, Natasha Stavros, Dawn Biehler, Liliana C. Castillo-Villamor, Luis Mario Moreno Amado, and Margaret B. Holland.
Uneven development and the anti-politics machine: Algorithmic violence and market-based neighborhood rankings. 2025. Political Geography 116 (January): 103247. With Dena Aufseeser and Alicia Sabatino. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2024.103247
The urban-tech feedback loop: A surveillance and development data-walk in South Lake Union. 2024. Digital Geography & Society 7 (December): 100106. With Anthony Levenda and Alicia Sabatino. doi:10.1016/j.diggeo.2024.100106.
Meme Summary
From FOSS to profit: Digital spatial technologies and the mode of production. 2024. Digital Geography and Society 7 (December): 100101. With Jim Thatcher, Laura Beltz Imaoka, and David O’Sullivan. doi:10.1016/j.diggeo.2024.100101.
The Ground Rent Machine: The Story of Race, Housing Inequality, and Dispossession in Baltimore, Maryland. 2024. Annals of the American Association of Geographers (114) 7: 1505-1525. With Jason Jurjevich. doi:10.1080/24694452.2024.2353172. Annals of the AAG open access
L’entrepôt Amazon [The Amazon Warehouse]. 2024. In Nos lieux communs: Une géographie du monde contemporain, edited by Fabrice Argounès, Michel Bussi, and Martine Drozdz, Illustrated édition. Paris: Fayard. With Alan Wiig. EAN 9782213725147
The Data Politics of Tech Corporations. Buildings and Cities (blog). March 14, 2024. With Alan Wiig. Buildings and Cities Commentary.
National Forgetting in the American South: White Innocence and the Racial Violence of Historic Places. 2023. Sociální Studia / Social Studies 20 (2): 57–73. With Conley Kinkead and Daniel Campo. doi:10.5817/SOC2023-37713.
Sociální Studia / Social Studies open access
Assessing performance of ZCTA-level and Census Tract-level social and environmental risk factors in a model predicting hospital events. 2023. Social Science & Medicine 326 (2023): 115943. With Leigh G. Goetschius, Morgan Henderson, Fei Han, Chad Perman, Howard Haft, and Ian Stockwell. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115943
Doing Critical GIS. 2022. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21 (4): 327–336. With Taylor Shelton. ACME open access
Mapping for Whom? Communities of Color and the Citizen Science Gap. 2022. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21 (4): 372–88. With Chris L. Hawn, Erica H. Henry, Deja J. Perkins, Caren B. Cooper, and Sacoby M. Wilson. ACME open access
Witches as glitches: A response to Leszczynski and Elwood. 2022. Dialogues in Human Geography 12 (3): 389-392. With Alicia Sabatino. doi:10.1177/20438206221129564
Mapping Juvenile Justice: Identifying Existing Structural Barriers to Accessing Probation Services. 2021. American Journal of Community Psychology 67 (1-2): 116-129. Special issue on interdisciplinary approaches. With Erika N Fountain. doi:10.1002/ajcp.12474
Urban Real Estate Technologies: Genealogies, frontiers, and critiques. 2020. Urban Geography 40 (8): 1033-1036. Special issue introduction with Will Payne and Sarah Knuth. doi:10.1080/02723638.2020.1820678
Political Ecologies of Platform Urbanism: Digital labor and data infrastructures. 2020. Book Chapter in “Urban Platforms and the Future City: Transformations in Infrastructure, Governance, Knowledge and Everyday Life,” ed. Mike Hodson, Julia Kasmire, Andrew McMeekin, John G. Stehlin, and Kevin Ward. Routledge. With Anthony M Levenda and John G Stehlin. ISBN 9780429319754
Reproducing spatial inequality? The sustainability fix and barriers to urban mobility in Portland, Oregon. 2020. Urban Geography 41 (6): 801-822. With Amy Lubitow and MacKenzie A. Christensen. doi:10.1080/02723638.2019.1698865
Critical Geographic Information Science. 2020. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, edited by Audrey Kobayashi, 2nd edition, 3:31–36. Thousand Oaks, CA: Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-102295-5.10530-X
Silicon Forest and Server Farms: The (Urban) Nature of Digital Capitalism in the Pacific Northwest. 2019. Culture Machine 18: 1-14. With Anthony M Levenda. MDSoar
White men may be biggest winners when a city snags Amazon’s HQ2. 2018. The Conversation. With Amy Bhatt. Link
Review of New Lines: Critical GIS and the Trouble of the Map by Matthew W. Wilson. 2018. Rhizomes 34. doi:10.20415/rhiz/034.r02
Review of Bike Lanes Are White Lanes: Bicycle Advocacy and Urban Planning by Melody L. Hoffmann. Urban Geography 38 (6): 951-952. With Amy Lubitow. doi:10.1080/02723638.2016.1248884
Data Colonialism through Accumulation by Dispossession: New metaphors for daily data. 2016. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 34 (6): 990–1006. With Jim Thatcher and David O’Sullivan. doi:10.1177/0263775816633195
Beyond the Screen: Uneven Geographies, Digital Labour, and the City of Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism. 2016. tripleC: Communication, Capital and Critique 14 (1): 99-120. With Anthony M Levenda. doi:10.31269/triplec.v14i1.699
Socio-spatial differentiation in the Sustainable City: A mixed-methods assessment of residential gardens in metropolitan Portland, Oregon, USA. 2016. Landscape and Urban Planning 148 (April): 1-16. With Nathan McClintock, Michael Simpson, and Jacinto Pereira Santos. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.12.008
Jane Jacobs and the Value of Older, Smaller Buildings. 2016. Journal of the American Planning Association 82 (2): 1-14. With Michael Powe, Emily Talen, Jonathan Mabry. doi:10.1080/01944363.2015.1135072
Revisiting Critical GIS. 2016. Environment and Planning A 48 (5) (May): 815-824. With the attendees of the Revisiting Critical GIS meeting at Friday Harbor, Washington. doi:10.1177/0308518X15622208
Understanding Spatial Equity in Portland, Oregon. 2016. Report prepared for the City of Portland. With Amy Lubitow, Emma Deppa, Santiago Mendez, Raquel Nasser, Stevens, Nathan Rochester, Kylas Tompkins.
The Storefront Index. 2016. City Observatory. With Joseph Cortright.
Web map
The Neoliberal Politics of ‘Smart’: Electricity Consumption, Data Analytics, and Ubiquitous Financialization. 2015. Canadian Journal of Communication 40 (4) (November): 615-636. With Anthony M Levenda and Geralds Sussman. doi:10.22230/cjc.2015v40n4a2928
Lost in Place: Why the persistence and spread of concentrated poverty, not gentrification, is our biggest urban challenge. 2014. City Observatory. With Joseph Cortright.
Web map
Older, Smaller, Better: Measuring how the character of buildings and blocks influences urban vitality. 2014. National Trust for Historic Preservation. Project collaborator.
Full report
Executive summary
Neighborhood Change, 1970 to 2010: Transition and Growth in Urban High Poverty Neighborhoods. 2014. Impresa Consulting. With Joseph Cortright.
Citizen Participation, Open Innovation, and Crowdsourcing: Challenges and Opportunities for Planning. 2013. Journal of Planning Literature 28 (1) (February): 3-18. doi:10.1177/0885412212469112