
I’m an urban and economic geographer that researches cities, technology, and uneven development. I’m currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. I’m also Affiliate Faculty in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Economics, and a Faculty Fellow at the Hilltop Institute.

As a way to get at the myriad of intersections of my work, I follow the theme mapping capital in my research. This becomes an important starting point to think about absences, presences, the relationship between absence and presence, uneven development, and the process of thinking spatially. For a brief discussion, see my recent piece on Doing Critical GIS with Taylor Shelton.

Recent Publications

Interrogating Narratives of Urban Change: Disinvestment and Development in Two Neighborhoods in Baltimore, MD. Urban Geography. With Dena Aufseeser. doi:10.1080/02723638.2024.2376907.

The Ground Rent Machine: The Story of Race, Housing Inequality, and Dispossession in Baltimore, Maryland. 2024. Annals of the American Association of Geographers (114) 7: 1505-1525. With Jason Jurjevich. doi:10.1080/24694452.2024.2353172. Annals of the AAG open access

The Data Politics of Tech Corporations. Buildings and Cities (blog). March 14, 2024. With Alan Wiig. Buildings and Cities Commentary

Mapping for Whom? Communities of Color and the Citizen Science Gap. 2022. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21 (4): 372–88. With Chris L. Hawn, Erica H. Henry, Deja J. Perkins, Caren B. Cooper, and Sacoby M. Wilson. ACME open access

Political ecologies of platform urbanism: digital labor and data infrastructures. 2020. Chapter in Urban Platforms and the Future City: Transformations in Infrastructure, Governance, Knowledge and Everyday Life. With Anthony M Levenda and John G Stehlin. Routledge link


Connections. Typical alley pole. Upper Fells Point, Baltimore.

Most Cited

Socio-spatial differentiation in the Sustainable City: A mixed-methods assessment of residential gardens in metropolitan Portland, Oregon, USALandscape and Urban Planning 148 (April): 1-16. With Nathan McClintock, Michael Simpson, and Jacinto Pereira Santos. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015

Data Colonialism through Accumulation by Dispossession: New metaphors for daily data. 2016. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 34 (6): 990–1006. With Jim Thatcher and David O’Sullivan. doi:10.1177/0263775816633195

Selected Favorites

Silicon Forest and Server Farms: The (Urban) Nature of Digital Capitalism in the Pacific Northwest. 2019. Culture Machine 18: 1-14. With Anthony M Levenda. MDSoar CultureMachine.net

Beyond the Screen: Uneven Geographies, Digital Labour, and the City of Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism. 2016. tripleC: Communication, Capital and Critique 14 (1): 99-120. With Anthony M Levenda. doi:10.31269/triplec.v14i1.699

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